All of our classes are developed by a Professional, lead by a Professional and designed to achieve reliable results in the shortest period of time while having the maximum amount of fun.
Puppy Classes

Adolescent Dog

These are dogs that have never taken a Dog’s Den Class before and are 7 months of age or older that need to learn Basic Manners or More Advanced Skills
Please Note *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣If your dog barks excessively on leash, lunges at other dogs or people then please go to our Reactive Dog Section
Fast Paced Activity

Fast Paced Activity Classes to Tire Your Dog Out
Get Your Dog Thinking & Tired Out

Classes that get your dog Thinking & Tired Out
Reactive Dog

Shy & Fearful Dogs

These are dogs that are afraid of the world and display this by shutting down
Life Skills
These are dogs that are ready for more Advanced Skills
Please Note *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣If your dog barks excessively on leash, lunges at other dogs or people then please go to our Reactive Dog Section