At The Dog's Den we offer a one-on-one service with Lady Canine, a Qualified dog behaviourist. She will assess the situation and work with you and your dog to resolve the problem behaviours.

We recommend a consultation for the following problems:

  • Puppy Terrorism – nipping, biting, soiling, barking, whining, destructive chewing, not coming when called
  • Aggression – to other dogs, strangers, family & friends
  • Fear & Anxiety – barking, running away when spooked, soiling, damage to house and yard when left alone
  • Rangy Dogs –barking, destroying your things, badgering you, not coming when called, bad listening skills
  • Small Dog syndrome – biting and growling at friends & service people, barking, soiling in the house
Rottweiler-Gabriel and Barbara sitting on steps

Consultation fee schedule:

  • In home consultation - $250.00+GST($262.50)
  • Behavioural Consultations conducted at our training facility $190.48 + GST ($200.00)