Isis is our five-year-old Husky. We adopted her when she
was six months old from the Regina Humane Society. She was pretty skinny when we
brought her home and to this day she remains on the slight side of things.
Isis prompted us to build our six-foot chain link fence. We were so proud of it and then her escaping started, and her brother Artemis would tag along. We soon found out chain link alone was not enough, we had to reinforce the bottom of the fence with cement blocks to prevent her from digging under the fence.
Like all Huskies, Isis loves running so we indulge her and her brothers and sister on regular hikes. She runs for miles with her brother Artemis during the day and curls up on the wing chair at night to sleep. She runs like the wind and glides over the ground hardly even touching it.
Best of all though is she comes back when we call her, no matter how far away she
is or what she is chasing, she always returns to us with a quizzical look on her
face as if to say: You Called?
Nakita aka El' Kai-e-ta is our other seven year old, true to form, Siberian Husky.
She loves being part of a pack and playing with Isis and Solomon. She can frequently
be heard summoning John, our neighbour, to come over and give her a treat through
the fence, and he usually does! Although Nakita expects perfect hearing from the
humans that surround her, she would have us believe she is hard of hearing. But
we have figured out that she has selective hearing
. Her selective hearing
is usually in play when we are out in the country for a run. She hears the deer
rustle in the bush, a rabbit scurry across the path, a cow in the pasture across
the way and other barely audible sounds made by wildlife. My voice, on the other
hand, seems to be out
of her range of hearing. Then by some miracle, when
she does happen to hear me calling her, she turns around, looks at me, and heads
in the opposite direction. I am however comforted by the acknowledgment the look
gives me, and I accept and love her for her Siberian Husky self.
We adopted Artemis, our Briard in January 2000 from the
local shelter when he was eight weeks old.
As a result of his herding heritage Artemis likes things orderly
. Once in
Puppy Class a puppy strayed from its matt and Artemis herded the puppy all the way
back to its matt and supervised it for the rest of the class! That said, he does
have a sense of humor though, and this comes out when he is working with children
in schools. When he is retrieving an item he often play bows in front of it then
picks it up and spins around before bringing it back to me, this of course elicits
loads of laughter from the spectators.
Another venue his humor makes an appearance in is agility. He loves to perch up on top of the A-Frame and take in the crowd or he likes to stand in the middle of the teeter and bounce it back and forth and for his grand finale he likes to strut his stuff back and forth across the dog walk, by this time in his performance the crowd is usually roaring!!
Artemis is also active in Pet Therapy; he makes monthly scheduled visits to the Wascana Rehab Centre to visit long-term care patients. In the summer and fall months his favorite activity is herding and in July of 2004 he attained his Junior Herd Dog Title in AHBA. Later in the Fall of 2004 Artemis made his Movie Debut in the film Slatland. Artemis is a Joy to have and a Pleasure to work with; we are Blessed to have him!

Solomon is our Great Pyrenees who was born in August of 2004. He is a large gentle male with a fluffy white coat and beautiful dark brown eyes. True to the Pyrenees standard, he is awesome at guarding our home, and those of our neighbours.
His favorite pastimes are playing with Isis and Nakita and being fed by our neighbor John and his grandchildren. Solomon has a great capacity for love and we are proud to have him!
Grischa vom Tegler Fliess
Pink Papered German Import
ADRK # 110313
OFA Good
Gabriel was born on September 26, 2004 in Berlin, Germany to Clodo vom Gondelsheimer
Schloss & Vetzi vom Wolfert Turm at the Zwinger vom Tegler Fliess
by Eva Wilk-Oser & Dr. Gabriel Oser. He arrived in Canada on January 21, 2005
with his brother Gero escorted by the Reverend Stephan Radke and his wife Anastasia.
On January 22, 2005 we picked up our baby from Cold Lake, Alberta.
Gabriel can often be seen receiving guests
and admirers at our local Java Express Coffee Shop on South Albert.
As a puppy he was the
one in the litter, always the first to explore
new things and of course get into trouble. He still continues his adventures and
is loved by all who meet him. Most recently he investigated the local Vern’s
pizza and took an unexpected tour of the Shoppers Drug Mart and Post Office.
Gabriel is an exceptional dog who accelerates at everything he does. He is active
in Pet Therapy programs at Pioneer Village and in the Developmental Classroom at
Thom Collegiate. He also accompanies his brother Artemis on visits to schools to
promote the No Bite
program. This program teaches children how to properly
approach and pet a dog.
In June 2005 Gabriel attended his first Rottweiler Club of Canada Sieger Show in Calgary, Alberta and was awarded First Place in the Junior Male Puppy Class under ADRK Judge Gerhard Apel. Later on in the summer we attended a Schutzhund Seminar with Joel Munroe from Big Valley Dog Training. The seminar was awesome and at the conclusion of the weekend Gabriel and I were both excited about what we had learned and about the homework we were assigned.
Currently in 2007, Gabriel and I are working on his BH and AD. We are looking forward to the help and guidance of Andreas Mueller of Zauberberg K9 Academy.
Gabriel’s Show Critique from ADRK Judge Gerhard Apel of Germany >>
An article highlighting Gabriel's Pet Therapy work >>
Daisy Doolittle
1996 - June 6, 2008
Daisy Doolittle was our Staffordshire
Bull Terrier that we adopted from the local shelter in 1998. We named her after
my favorite flower the Daisy and my husband’s favourite movie character Elisa
Doolittle from
My Fair Lady
. Daisy, like her mother, liked to sleep late,
hated the cold and loved to cuddle on the couch with the man in our lives, Daisy’s
greatest love, my husband.
Daisy was in rough shape when we adopted her. She had recently given birth to a litter, but the shelter was not sure where the puppies were and as a result she was extremely emaciated. Several of her teats were badly infected and she had a massive hernia. Before we could bring her home she was spayed and her hernia repaired. This surgery was difficult for her and she stayed three nights at the hospital.
Upon arrival into our home she soon became my husband’s Fair Lady
Daisy was so quiet and sad looking, it summoned up every protective instinct we
had in us. When we would take her out, people often told us how ugly she was and
we were duly insulted for her. As time went by, she healed and became a happy, friendly
demo dog at puppy school.
While Daisy was alive she had many adventures. Probably the most notable was the day she and her brother Riot, a Rottweiler, got out of the yard and decided to do a little grocery shopping at the local Safeway. I was told they headed straight for the meat isle!
Surprisingly, Daisy possessed a stunning model quality and as a result she agreed
to model for a line of Greeting Cards dedicated to her called Daisy Doolittle Creations
The line of cards are for all occasions and were inspired by Daisy and created by
Barbara Lloyd. Although the cards are a terrific legacy of her life, her true legacy
was her ability to love completely with an open heart.
January 1994 - March 20, 2008
Khan was our Neufi/Akita X that
we adopted from the shelter when he was eight weeks old. It was with a heavy heart
we made the decision to euthanize him at the age of 14 on March 20, 2008 as a result
of arthritis in his spine.
When we first brought him home we knew he was going to be huge so we named him after Ghengas Khan, the Mongolian Warrior. But when he was little, the name was far too big for him so we nicknamed him Boo-Boo Bear.
As a puppy he was a going concern. He was always into something and the only way we could keep him out of trouble was to keep him on leash at all times in the house. Our older, now deceased Husky Timber, loved Boo-Boo. He was so gentle with him and patient, but he would not hesitate to reprimand Boo-Boo if he got out of hand.
Watching Timber and Khan I learned much about dog-dog dynamics and about how important it is for a pup to learn from an older, wiser dog. Over the years Khan grew into his name and became the older, wiser dog that pups learned from.
As Khan matured he earned the privilege of laying in strategic spots in the house to enable him to monitor all the goings on in the house and yard and control the movement of all the other dogs in the house. Even when he was ancient and crippled by arthritis he still laid in those power positions throughout the house and he commanded such respect from all of the younger dogs that they never challenged him.
The day he died I felt like I was saying goodbye to a much respected and loved Elder, someone who had earned the title and was ready to say goodbye to us. I think he thought we had grown up enough to be ok without him. He died with dignity, surrounded by those who loved him most, my husband and me.
July 12, 2001 – July 11, 2003
On Friday, July 11, 2003, one day short of his second birthday,
Riot, aka
Skinny Bum
died of heart failure while we were hiking on trails
just east of Regina. He was a magnificent dog and even a better friend. His life
has been described as one big party! Every day he had was lived to the fullest,
either running on trails, playing with friends, visiting children in schools and
long term care patients at the Wascana Rehab or working with me at the school.
He was confident, gentle, intelligent, loving and beautiful. He had a sense of humor
too. When he would walk past the living room coffee table he would glide by, never
changing his pace and then we would notice something was missing. Whether it was
a cork from a bottle of wine, a Kleenex or just a piece of paper. Then we would
say Skinny Bum, Ouse!
and sure enough he would spit something out the side
of his mouth, hence the nickname Slight-of-Mouth
. He thought we hadn't seen
him relinquish the contraband, then he would roll his eyes to the back of his head
and look at us sideways very sheepishly and come and sit on the couch with us.
His gentle nature earned him many friends, dog and human alike. He especially held a fondness for puppies. He was extremely patient with them. He would bath them, play with them and even let them steal his treats right from his mouth. He also enjoyed when we had dog guests in for a few days. He would make them feel right at home.
Some of his favorite things were
running in the country on hiking trails, agility and walking other dogs and people.
He loved grabbing the leash and walking them around. He was not a puller on the
leash. He always walked so nice when he was connected to the leash, but when he
could get a hold of another dog's leash, he would walk them! It was so funny to
watch. If the other dog was pulling or resisting, he would shorten the leash and
walk in the opposite direction.
There are two memorable occasions when he did this; one was with Montana, a Golden
Retriever who was staying with us for a few days. We were out on the trails and
Montana disappeared. It seemed like he was gone forever, then he finally appeared.
I was afraid he was going to go A.W.O.L. again so I put a leash on him and had Riot
walk him. Riot took that leash and pranced around the trail, never going into the
bush because he knew he was walking someone
. Poor Montana, he could not figure
it out, Why was Riot walking him?
Well it kept him safe and he had a good
long walk.
The second memorable occasion was when his Uncle Mike decided he wanted to see if
Riot would walk him, so he attached the leash to his belt loop and Riot had the
end of it Lickidy Split
. When Mike would stop, Riot would back up and then
pull Mike forward. It was so funny to watch. Mike looked like a rag doll, and Riot
was having so much fun.
Riot’s last days were filled with the dogs and people he loved. He celebrated
his second birthday a week early, a pool party at Chez MacKay
. He and his
friends had a blast, eating steak and hot dogs, swimming in the pool and playing
We felt privileged to have loved and raised Riot, and are grateful for the time
we had with him. The morning he passed away I got up out of bed and walked over
to where he was lying and said Skinny Bum, give us a Kiss
. He looked up at
me and gave me a big kiss and then I said Mom Loves you Skinny Bums
and then
we went for our last hike together with his brother and sister Artemis & Isis,
his Friend Ozzy and his Auntie Paddy.
Jake was my first dog as an adult and he was a Terrier. I adopted him from the Regina
Humane Society when he was just a pup. He was so cute; he looked like Simba from
the Lion King

In those days I thought that crate training a dog was cruel, so everyday when I went off to University I would barricade Jake in the kitchen and every day I would come home to a Random Act of Puppy Terrorism. One day he had chewed up the leg of a chair, the next day it was the leg of the kitchen table. Next he moved onto the baseboards, and the bottom of the kitchen cupboard doors. For his Grand Finale, Jake tore up the linoleum in the kitchen.
I was pretty concerned by this point so I consulted several books and they all said:
Crate Train Your Puppy
And crate train my puppy I did!! Much to my surprise,
Jake loved his kennel and I could leave the house without worrying about any further
Acts of Puppy Terrorism.
As Jake matured and aged his true terrier form was paramount in his dealings with
the world around him. Till the day he died Jake had the energy of a two year old
and in spite of his 45lbs Jake believed he was The Lion King
In the fall of 2006 at the age of 15, Jake passed away and it broke my heart. I had become an adult with Jake and I was not sure how I would navigate through life without him. His passing has left an empty space not only in my bedroom at night but also a void in my heart.
Rex was one of our Rottweilers, a Professional Working Dog and Protection Dog. In June 2004 he retired and became part of our family.
Rex used to love our morning hikes, car rides and pizza and all of his playmates. He never strayed far from me and was always ready for a belly rub or a scratch behind his ears.
In 2006 Rex starting exhibiting serious seizure activity and as a result we made the difficult decision of euthanasia. The day that Rex was scheduled to be euthanized we did all of his favourite things: we went for a car ride, we went for pizza, he had a great game of tug and shared a steak with his brother Gabriel. Then later, at the end of the day, when he was tired and ready to have a sleep, he was given an injection to ensure he slept a forever peaceful sleep. The last gift we were able to give Rex was the last best day of his life.
Timber was my first Husky and he was
seven years old when I adopted
him from the shelter in 1990. Prior to his incarceration, he had been picked up
running at large in a rural Saskatchewan community. He was on death row and was
scheduled for euthanasia because he had already spent three months at the shelter
and as a result was severely depressed and was on a hunger strike.
When I took him home he continued his hunger strike and I became very worried. He seemed to have a death wish. To make matters worse he kept escaping and running away. Luckily good hearted neighbours would spot him on the lam and aide in his safe return home. After about a week of running away and not eating, I became very desperate and decided that I needed to do something different. So instead of feeding him dog food, I hand fed him tuna. At first he was not interested, but then eventually he decided to eat. He had chosen life after all. As the days passed his appetite grew and so did our bond. After that his loyalty to me was unwavering and he never ran away again. All he wanted was to be with me in his quiet, confident way.
With the passing of years, Timber developed arthritis in his spine. It became very
debilitating but he never complained. Every day he put on a brave face for me, shadowing
my every move, and even though I could see the pain in his eyes, he would assure
me he was not ready to leave this world. Then one day he stopped eating and I knew
he was telling me it was time
so I carried out his wishes and let him sleep
peacefully and pain free forever. When I look back on those last months of his life,
I realize that he had hung on for me, waiting until I was strong enough to live
without him.
Odin was rare, a white Akita. He was massive in form and brilliant in nature. Odin was the first dog I had that gave me a reason to think about the intelligence of dogs. As an Akita he possessed a strong guarding instinct but it was how he exhibited it that fascinated me.
He understood that a reflection in a mirror was just that, a reflection, and in
order to guard our house completely he would stand in front of a bedroom
mirror that was angled in such
a way to allow him to look out of one side of the house while at the same time monitoring
another side of the house through a set of windows.
Paired with his inherent guarding ability was a surprising agility, Odin could jump a six foot fence from a stand. He was remarkable, but what made him phenomenal was his true nature, his loving, kind personality. He loved to play with Khan. They wrestled all the time and when Khan would get frustrated by Odin's ability to outmanoeuvre him, he would let Khan win in order to give his little brother more confidence.
As big as he was, he was always a true Gentleman, living each day with integrity, right up until his last, when he died at the age of five of an idiosyncratic drug reaction related to anti-seizure meds he was on. Devastated does not even begin to describe how I felt when Odin died. As a tribute to Odin, we adopted a scruffy little pup from the shelter shortly after his death and we named that scruffy little pup Artemis.